Walking hearth/beam furnace

Reheating furnace for long products (billets, blooms, bars, slabs,…) usualy on head into hot rolling mills

Reheating furnace for long products (billets, blooms, bars, slabs,…) usualy on head into hot rolling mills.

The Walking Hearth/Beam Furnace has a system of beams, made of refractory or tubulars, which placed over a mechanical frames system and hydraulicaly powered, allows to the furnace to make the move of the products, the resulting move is like a “walking”, step by step, from the charging to the discharging.

Main details

  • Capacity: Up to 120 ton/h
  • Lenght: Up to 30 meters
  • Max. Temperature: Up to 1.350ºC
  • Fuels: Natural Gas, Diesel, Fuel Oil, Blast Furnace Gas, Sintetized gases, …

Featured details

Low fuel consumption
Heat recovery systems available for installation
Great temperature uniformity on reheating
The furnace can be fully discharged (empty)
Huge flexibility for different production rates

Auxiliary equipment

Rollways Charging/Discharging
Kick-Off on discharging
Feeding table
Pinch-Roll on discharging

Recent projects executed